Friday, May 21, 2004

21st May 2004

So, this is blogging ?

Well, here is page 1.

In the interests of conformity, I should introduce myself with the basics ;
33 years old, though I usually have to work it out as I never remember.
Married, to the most amazing, giving, thoughtful woman I have ever met.
One beautiful daughter, Scarlett, who is a whirlwind of laughter and trouble.
Worked in sales in one form or another all my life. I've worked in recruitment for 8 years, and set up my own recruitment agency with a business partner 5 years ago.
Own our own home, a cottage built in 1890.
One cat, Domino, lazy but friendly, though still not as friendly as her brother Sam who we lost to traffic in '99 (still miss you Sam !)
I spend spare time (that is time not devoted to Scarlett), with Photoshopping and attempting to learn photography.
I enjoy a drink or two, usually with friends / neighbours but gave up smoking about 4 months ago (not going too badly).


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